We are your best first step.
For immediate assistance, call 804-564-5852 (available 24/7)
I want to make an appointment!
For immediate assistance, call 804-564-5852, 24/7.
If this is a medical emergency, please call 911.
If an appointment request is submitted during business hours, we will promptly get back to you. If you are contacting us after hours, please call and speak to a team member to make a confidential appointment.
We look forward to meeting you!
As you plan for your appointment, please remember:
Bring a photo ID
Most appointments last one hour
All services are at no cost to you and confidential, no insurance is needed
Partners are welcome; you may bring only one guest (age 12 and older)

We are your best first step!
If you are currently facing an unplanned pregnancy and are considering options, we are here for you. We understand that your choice regarding your pregnancy is difficult but it is extremely important for your health and safety to first receive a pregnancy diagnosis via an ultrasound. Our caring trained staff and licensed medical professionals are here to discuss questions you may have about pregnancy, abortion procedures, risks, adoption, and available resources. Fill out an appointment form or call 804-564-5852, 24/7, to schedule your no-cost, confidential appointment.
Top Requested Services

No-Cost Pregnancy Test
You will receive laboratory-quality urine pregnancy testing which is administered by one of our licensed medical professionals.

No-Cost Ultrasounds
Once you receive the results of your pregnancy test, a licensed medical professional will conduct a medical consultation to determine whether or not it is medically advisable for you to receive an ultrasound. An ultrasound is required to confirm your pregnancy and determine how far along you are.

No-Cost Consultations
It can be overwhelming to face an unplanned pregnancy. EEPC offers confidential consultations to provide accurate information regarding your choices. We realize your circumstances are unique and this is an opportunity to discuss your questions and challenges - free of judgment.

Considering the Abortion Pill?
Did you know that it is important for your health and safety to receive an ultrasound before you take the abortion pill?
Contact us and come meet with one of our medical professionals for more information. ALL of our services at East End Pregnancy Center are at no cost to you.
(An in-office pregnancy test and medical consultation precedes all ultrasound appointments.)
(804) 564-5852
You can call 24/7 to make a confidential appointment
*East End Pregnancy Center does not perform or refer for abortions and does not distribute birth control.*